See Her Be Her


A documentary from Grass Roots Baseball, aired on the MLB Network on October 27th 2024.

“The story follows the lives of seven women baseball stars who are at the pinnacle of their game and represent the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, Japan, South Korea, Cuba and Uganda. In the intense battle for the World Cup Championship, they want victory — for themselves, for their team, for their countries, and for the sheer love of the game — but their greatest triumph is the path they are blazing for future generations of female players.”

Read more from MLB.

“Our job was to make this film as best as we can make it and showcase these women and give them the visibility,” Fruth said following an advance screening of the film on Saturday. “And my hopes are, certainly, that this visibility creates more opportunities, not only for them, but for the younger generation that I see in the audience, all these kids and all these girls coming up, and that is my hope, and I think we’re moving in the right direction.”